The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Wednesday, June 28, 2000

Jean latches onto the newest blogger meme and rethinks her blog ...

Nope, this isn't one of those heartfelt, soul searching posts in which I declare that Blogger is the heroin that has depleted my very soul of joy and creativity and now I'm going to quit blogging forever (funny how forever seems to amount to about a day or two in bloggerville) and go outside and pick some daisies and take back my life and/or my web site. This is just me thinking aloud, or e-loud, as it were.

So I've been thinking that maybe I should refocus -- or, should I say, simply, focus -- this blog on ADD and what it's like to have it. I've always wanted to devote part of my site to educating people about those topics, especially those under informed, propaganda spouting dunderheads who think it was made up by the psychiatry and pharmaceutical industries so that they could push Ritalin to little kids and create a nation of drug addicts, but whatever, that's a whole 'nother issue.

Anyway, I'm not thrilled with my past attempts, and none of my other ideas (i.e. that "Short Attention Span Girl" comic that never happened) have managed to fly, and since I already have an ADD related title, maybe I should just convert this blog to one which covers ADD.

But how would that work? Would I post exclusively about ADD? Would it be only linkage to external info, or should it be more of a journal relaying my own experiences with the disorder? And since I do have ADD and all, would I realistically be able to retain my new focus the next time Fizgig does something cute or my job pisses me off or somebody somewhere on the web says something funny or touching or informative or what have you? Probably not.

Then I remembered the purpose of this blog: To provide a link between me and the world outside of my workplace, to pass the unbearable boredom and tediousness that comes with sitting at this desk day after day, and to act as a dumping ground for whatever I feel like dumping. I don't blog for other people. I blog for me. Sometimes I blog for my friends. If strangers think my dumps are entertaining enough to keep them coming back regularly, then God bless 'em. Sure, I have sitemeter, because let's face it, those repeat visits and hit counts are pretty soothing to the old ego; but if nobody but me ever read this page, I'd still keep doing exactly what I'm doing, because for now, I'm having a good time doing it. So why mess with a good thing?

So this is still going to be about my narcissistic musings and bileous attitude toward my job, and about being a writer, but it's also going to be about ADD. Not entirely, but it is a big part of my life, and I think I'm wrong to ignore it. My other option is to start a second (third if you count Internal Monologue, but it's not really a blog, so I don't) weblog devoted specifically to ADD, which might actually happen sometime in the not-too-distant future, but time constraints combined with sheer laziness prevent me from doing so for the time being.

So to make a long post short (too late!), this is not becoming a blog about ADD, but it will become more of a blog about someone who has ADD.

That's all. Carry on.


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