If my headache doesn't go away, or if things don't stop going wrong, I think I'm going to last about 5 more minutes before I hurt somebody.
One good thing: My haircut passed the best friend test, so I guess it's not as bad as all that. It's just going to take a lot of getting used to. It hasn't been this short since I was 23, when I had it all whacked off out of depression and frustration after my dad died. Then I liked it, but it was a conscious choice to cut it short. Not like this time, when I said "trim it up to just above my shoulders," and she interpreted "just above" to mean "4 inches above."
I don't want to sound vain, but I have pretty good hair. It's a good color, it's just the right texture and thickness and it has just the right amount of natural curl, so I can make it really curly if I want or just brush it out and have it fairly straight. I don't really consider myself to be very pretty, and my hair -- my long hair -- was the one physical attribute that I really liked about myself. Now it's gone, and I'm left with the rest of me, which just isn't all that impressive.
I want my hair back.
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