The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Monday, May 08, 2000

Umm .... oh yeah, the bridal shower. It went almost exactly the way I predicted it would. My cousins cornered me and did their best to humiliate me by lamenting my singleness. They told me of their plan to rig the bouquet at the wedding so that I'd be sure to catch it, but then one of them helpfully pointed out that it won't be necessary, since I'm almost certain to be the only single person there. Then another one offered to set me up with his truckdriver friend, though if it works out I'll have to be willing to move to Alaska because he's getting ready to move up there for some such business. Oh, my, but doesn't that offer sound irresistable! Yessirree, I've always dreamed of being a truckin' mama in Alaska. Let me at this unattached hunk of a man!

Sometimes I don't like my cousins.

But Liz seemed to enjoy the shower, and she made off with a lot of loot, which is the important thing.

Now to plan the bachelorette party ...


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