It was a good weekend.
For the most part, I camped out in the porch swing on my mom's sundeck, reading Coyote Blue and sipping pink lemonade. I wish I could say I have a nice tan to show for it, but seeing as how all I ever do is burn and/or freckle, I stayed greased up with SPF 40 and lounged in the shade. Still, it was nice.
I wasn't completely inactive all weekend, however, and I did manage to get a couple of constructive things done. For one, I finally filled out my profile for Guru. I also got all of the invitations for my sister's bachelorette party bought, filled out, and sent. Friday night, before the movie, I found a few things for the party at Spencer's that should be nicely embarrassing for the bride-to-be.
The Friday night movie was "Pitch Black" (because we [that's Tess and I] love Vin Diesel) at the Fontana. As I was buying my ticket, who should be staring and grinning at me from behind the concession counter but Terrence! I haven't seen him since my birthday and we were both so happy! That was a nice surprise. So was the fact that "Pitch Black" seemed like a much better movie the second time, and not just because of Vin. The things that bothered me about it the first time I saw it just didn't stand out this time, and the things that were good about it (besides Vin) stood out a lot more, which caused me to upgrade my opinion of this movie from "it was okay, Vin Diesel and the special effects made it worth the ticket price, but it could have been better" to "hey, this is a pretty damn good movie for an Aliens knock-off!"
Saturday my porch-swingin' and readin' mini-vacation was interrupted by a call from my brother who, along with his wife and son, was stranded out in the BFE somewhere. Apparantly they decided to take the scenic route home when his ancient VW Beetle broke down. After about 20 minutes on the phone, during which he tried to give me directions to his location that I could actually follow without getting so lost that they'd have to file a missing person's report on me, he also asked me to stop at a parts store and pick up some kind of part for the bug. I managed to get the part (thanks to the friendly and knowledgeable staff of Autozone who didn't go out of their way to make me feel stupid over my complete lack of knowledge of all things automotive), and I managed to find my family, and, after figuring out that the part wasn't what the car needed after all, I drove them all home, at which point my brother gave me $25 (double the price of the part). I tried to protest (honestly, I did), telling him I wouldn't give him any money to come and get me, but he said that's because it's his job to come get me because he's the big brother. That was good enough for me, so I kept the money. Hey, I was broke.
So, on Sunday, I had enough to take my mommy out for a modest lunch afer church, and there was even enough left over to order us a pizza for dinner. I think it was a good Mother's Day. I just hope she thinks so.
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