The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Tuesday, May 30, 2000

I once wrote a letter to Suck in response to the question, "should Suck quit making fun of Canadians?" In the letter, I stated all of the reasons I could think of, some proven, some made up for effect, that explain why teasing Canucks is funny. When they published my letter, I was so proud, I showed it to all of my friends, including those who live somewhere up there in the Great White North. I didn't worry about offending them, because I knew that they, as well as anyone else with a sense of humor and most of their mental faculties intact, would know that I was only joking.

A couple of weeks later they ("they" in this instance being those affectionately known as The Sucksters, who were kind enough not to give my e-mail address out to whackos) published a response from someone of obvious Canadian heritage who did not get the joke (there's always someone who just doesn't get the joke, isn't there?). I suppose I should have found their letter insulting, and perhaps should have even felt somewhat chastized by it, but instead, as I read it, I had to stifle my gleeful laughter. Overcome with a sense of pride for having so successfully managed to make a total stranger loathe me, I pointed the letter out to all of my aforementioned friends, and printed it out to hang in my cube beside the original letter. I went around the rest of that entire day with a huge grin on my face, and became giddy whenever I thought of that angry person whom I'd so negatively affected sitting there at their keyboard pounding away furiously at what was surely intended to put me in my place.

I think this says a lot more about what kind of person I am than any bio page I might concoct ever could.


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