As I come across new blogs I tend to bookmark them for future consideration as daily reads. Today, since I'm all caught up, I'm going through them and weeding out the ones that suck. Well, not all of the ones I'm launching back out into the ether suck, but they're pretty forgettable, and just not compelling enough to make me want to read past the first paragraph, let alone return on a regular basis. They are, in a word, boring.
Why are they boring? I pondered, trying to sooth the guilt I briefly felt over being so dismissive of sites that people obviously put a lot of time and effort into. Some of them were just links with comments, no real content. Some of them were nothing but content, but the content was whiney. It was nothing but mindless drivel about their day. "Blah blah, I'm tired. Yadda yadda, I hate my job."
Then it struck me. I write about that stuff! Am I so full of myself that I think people will find the inane bits of my life story any more compelling than I found the content of these blogs? I guess I am. And probably wrongly so. And not only am I an egotistical snob, but a hypocritical one at that.
But somehow I just can't bring myself to be all that bothered about it.
Stay tuned for a new list of daily reads.
(See? This is compelling stuff!)
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