4 flights! Woo-hoo!
From the "What in blazes is Jean going on about now?" department ...
I'm not too big on exercise. Scratch that -- I effing HATE to exercise. It's boring, it's painful, and I don't have time for it. But, seeing as how I have a bridesmaid's dress to fit into in a few weeks, I've been doing what I can to advance the cause. This amounts to jogging up and down the stairs during my breaks at work. I've been doing three flights of stairs per break per workday. This has been going on for a few weeks now. Today, as I topped the third flight, I realized that I did NOT feel like I very well may keel over and die, nor did I even feel like I needed to lie down for a while. Suddenly I was overcome by a feeling of invincibility and, without pausing to ponder the consequences, I added another flight! Of course, by the time I reached the top, legs burning, lungs gasping for oxygen, wanting to lie down and feeling that I very well may keel over and die, I felt pretty danged vincible. But that didn't stop me from doing four of them again on my afternoon break. My legs are in pain, but I have such a sense of accomplishment that I'm almost convinced to keep this up after the wedding. Almost.
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